Water Charges
In July 2018, a new two-part water rating system was introduced to Mount Isa and Camooweal. Under the new system which includes an access and consumption charge, rate payers will for only pay for the water that is used on their property, giving them more control over the expenses they incur for water usage throughout the year.
The previous system charged all users a water allocation, the full extent of which was not used in many situations. This meant rate payers were paying for unused water within their allocation. The new system enables ratepayers to reduce their water cost by using less water.
From 1st July 2018, water is billed using a two-part charge consisting of:
- An access charge - this charge will show on your rates notice which is issued half-yearly
- A consumption charge - this charge is based on the amount of water you use and most residential customers will be billed half-yearly.
Access Charge
This charge will show on your Rates Notice which is issued half yearly.
All properties connected to Council's water supply or capable of connection to the supply will pay an access charge.
Consumption Charge
This charge is based on the amount of water that is used.
The majority of Mount Isa residential customers will receive a half-yearly water notice. The majority of Mount Isa non-residential customers will receive a quarterly water notice.
Camooweal customers will receive a half-yearly water notice.
Concealed Water Leak Remission Policy
Council has adopted a Concealed Water Leak Remission Policy to assist ratepayers who experience financial hardship due to a concealed water leak on their property.
For further information on Council's Concealed Water Leak Remission Policy, or if you would like to apply for a remission of water consumption charges due to a concealed water leak, please refer to the following:
Concealed Water Leak Remission Policy(PDF, 253KB)
Concealed Water Leak Remission Application Form(PDF, 254KB)
Applications can be submitted via the following:
Email: city@mountisa.qld.gov.au
In person: 23 West Street Mount Isa
Mount Isa City Council
PO Box 815
Mount Isa QLD 4825
Please ensure all required supporting documentation is submitted with your application.
Further information
Water Restrictions
Water Conservation
Understanding Your Water Meter
Landlords and Tenants Fact Sheet