Renewals Program Charts Future of City’s Water Mains

Water Mains Renewals Program

Published: 18th September 2024

Council has adopted a 10-year Water Main Renewals Program, which will see Council investing an average of $1.5 million on water main renewals each year for the next decade.

The program – to come into effect on 1 July 2025 – was developed to ensure the continuity and reliability of Mount Isa’s water and sewerage assets.

In the future, Council will develop similar 10-year asset-renewal programs for sewer mains refurbishment, water valve and hydrant replacements, sewage pump station refurbishment, and Sewage Treatment Plant refurbishment.

Speaking about the program at the August Ordinary Meeting on August 28, Mayor Peta MacRae thanked the Council staff – including Water and Sewer Manager Greg Searle – who put the document together.

“In the long term, this asset planning will actually save Council money, by not having to be reactionary, and we’ll stop last-minute breakdowns and things like that,” Cr MacRae said.

Councillor Dan Ballard said he looks forward to seeing the efforts replicated in other areas of Council’s operations.

“I’m really comfortable with the matrix that Greg and his team have used to list the priorities of this renewal program,” Cr Ballard said.

“I look forward to seeing this work done and replicated across the sewer network, and hopefully our road network and the other primary pieces of infrastructure that require periodic renewal.”

Councillor James Coghlan said Council was putting things in place for the next 10 or 20 years.

“I think programs like this are essential for us moving forward, so that we can make sure Mount Isa is going to be okay for the next 20 years, because we do have aging infrastructure,” Cr Coghlan said.