Cr John Doyle

Cr John Doyle web



Register of Interest of Councillor

Portfolios: Tourism, Events, Sports and Recreation & Youth

Councillor Bio

I have lived in Mount Isa for more than 16 years and have worked all across the Mount Isa mining lease, in both copper and zinc/lead, and from underground to surface, operations to maintenance. I worked in concreting in 2004 before starting in the mines.

I owned and operated Ruby n Birdy and Doilies clothes and ice cream bar, and currently own the Three Sons Fitness gym and fitness business.

I have been involved in rugby league and rugby union here, worked alongside Youth Justice, Gidgee Healing, ATODS, PCYC, Young People Ahead, Designer Life, headspace, Council, Mount Isa Police, DATSIP, a host of local businesses and schools, both primary and secondary, and also the QRL and NRL to help support and create positive pathways for our youth and to discourage behaviours that negatively impact our community.

My priorities will be to help create, support and enable existing positive environments and programs for our youth to thrive in so they can make better contributions to our community; showcase the amazing sporting talent we have in our community across all sports; and to highlight what our community has to offer for living and holidaying in.

I have a beautiful wife who is a Kalkadoon woman born and bred in this community with strong links to her culture, and we have three boys we are raising in this community, so I am working hard to make our community great with the best of intentions.