Cr James Coghlan

Cr James Coghlan web


Register of Interest of Councillor

Portfolios: Environment, Local Laws, Development & Town Planning, and Waste Management

Councillor Bio

Cr James Coghlan was born and bred in Mount Isa and has played every sport there was in town. He completed an electrical apprenticeship with Mount Isa Mines and worked in his trade at Power and Water and George Fisher Mine.

He has previously worked as a mines inspector, trainer with Krause Health and Safety, a parish asset manager, and a safety officer.

He has played most sports, but has been involved in committees for, or coached, rugby league, softball, netball, hockey and touch football. He umpires netball and is keen on taking up golf again.

He has been involved with St Joseph’s School for many years as P&F president and board chairman, as well as been a chaplain at Good Shepherd Catholic College and St Joseph's.

He was involved with a local youth group for a number of years and took young people to Panama, USA and Europe, as well as to various cities in Australia.

He believes local children should have the same opportunities as those on the coast and have the chance for their abilities or talents to be recognised and encouraged. He wants our community to be safe so people feel secure, and a community spirit is fostered where we look out for each other.

To him, Mount Isa is a place people come to looking to raise a family and set themselves up. Our city will always be transient, but the memories and friendships you make here are deeper than any that happen in the city. How many people come for two years and stayed for 20?

Our lifestyle and community is unique and we need to tell the world and invite them to share in it.