Telstra Hill Community Engagement

Published on 11 December 2024

telstra hill engagement

We want your say!

Council is currently carrying out community consultation and engagement to understand what the community would like to see done at Telstra Hill. Council agreed to move forward with community consultation activities at the November Ordinary Meeting.


At the meeting, Councillor John Doyle said Telstra Hill is a valued community asset, and Council wants to find out what the community would like to see happen there – “whether it’s a gravel pathway, or to fix the road itself”. Councillor Dan Ballard agreed with Cr Doyle and said, whatever decision is made following the community consultation, the end result should be “cost-effective, practical, and fit for purpose”.


Telstra Hill is a popular destination for recreation and fitness. Council recently spent $300,000 on the construction of a new carpark at the hill’s entrance off the Barkly Highway, with an easement providing pedestrian access to the top of the hill.


The information gathered from the community consultation will be used to inform future budget bids, operational planning, and any future negotiation of changes to the easement.


Fill out the survey here!

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