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Fly strike can occur on scraps in the kitchen.
In Queensland maggots can be found in garbage bins even if they are tightly sealed. Maggots cannot be eliminated but there are preventative measures you can use, depending on temperatures and other conditions such as humidity.
Flies are naturally attracted to the odour of rotting food and can spread disease
Here are some ideas to keep your bins free of maggots:
Freeze it: Store meat & seafood scraps in freezer until bin night
Hygiene: Wheelie bin should be cleaned after being picked up using a solution of vinegar and water or other mild detergents. Please ensure you do not wash and rinse your bin near gutters or storm drains as they and end up in local creeks and waterways.
Storing: Ensure your bins are in the shade.
Capacity: Do not overfill your bins.
Secure: Keep lids closed at all times to prevent rats, mice, and flies.
Contact: Get in touch with Council if your wheelie bin gets damaged.
Animals: Ensure pet waste is bagged.
Food: Seal food scraps in bags.