Types of Development

Material change of use

Changing the use of a building, structure, or land from its current purpose to a different one, or increasing the intensity of its existing use. Examples include converting a retail shop into a food and drink outlet, expanding a 30-site caravan park to 60 sites, or developing a vacant lot into an office, shop, or industrial facility.

Reconfiguring a lot

Dividing land into separate Lots or modifying existing boundaries. Examples include subdividing a single Lot into multiple Lots, partitioning land by agreement, re-aligning a Lot boundary, or creating or altering an easement to provide access to a Lot.

Operational work

Activities that modify the shape or structure of the land. Examples include earthworks such as filling or excavation, vegetation clearing, and installing signage.

Building work

Constructing a new building or structure or expanding an existing one. Examples include building a house, shed, or garage, partially or fully demolishing a structure, and repairing, modifying, or extending an existing building.


Types of approval

A development approval may include:

  • Development Permit – Grants approval for the proposed development and authorizes the work to proceed.
  • Preliminary Approval – Approves the proposed development but does not permit work to commence.
  • Variation Request – Seeks to modify the application of a local planning instrument for the site.
  • Combined Approval – A mix of both a development permit and a preliminary approval.


Development Enquiries

Mount Isa City Council website provides a range of information and tools on planning and development-related matters. Please review these prior to submitting a general development enquiry.

To lodge enquiries, please complete the Form(PDF, 169KB) and send it to

Our team will be happy to assist you.


Building over and near sewer mains

Approval from the City Council is required for certain building works over or near relevant infrastructure, as the Council acts as a Referral Agency in these cases. This requirement is in addition to any other necessary building and development approvals.

Relevant infrastructure includes sewers, water mains, stormwater drains and combined sanitary drains. Any structures proposed over or near these assets must be assessed against the Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 1.4.

For any enquiries about building works over or near relevant infrastructure please visit our website  or send them to


Referral Application (design and siting)

Referral Application Form(PDF, 672KB) to be sent to

Checklist(PDF, 128KB) for submission of referral application.


Flood mapping

The City of Mount Isa Planning Scheme 2020, Flood hazard overlay, refer:

  1. Flood Hazard Overlay Maps 1 to 7 (OM-FH-01 to OM-FH-07) and Interactive mapping
  2. State Planning Policy (SPP) Interactive Mapping System
  • Safety and Resilience to Hazards: Natural Hazards Risk and Resilience:
  • Flood Hazard area – Level 1 – Queensland floorplan assessment overlay.

For any enquiries about flooding information please send them to 


Healy Heights

Development in Healy Heights is regulated by a Covenant. For further information on the covenant, please complete the Enquiry Form(PDF, 169KB) and email it to Please include the property address, Lot, and Plan description.


Home-based Business

(coming soon)


Secondary Dwelling

(coming soon)