Material change of use
Changing the use of a building, structure, or land from its current purpose to a different one, or increasing the intensity of its existing use. Examples include converting a retail shop into a food and drink outlet, expanding a 30-site caravan park to 60 sites, or developing a vacant lot into an office, shop, or industrial facility.
Reconfiguring a lot
Dividing land into separate Lots or modifying existing boundaries. Examples include subdividing a single Lot into multiple Lots, partitioning land by agreement, re-aligning a Lot boundary, or creating or altering an easement to provide access to a Lot.
Operational work
Activities that modify the shape or structure of the land. Examples include earthworks such as filling or excavation, vegetation clearing, and installing signage.
Building work
Constructing a new building or structure or expanding an existing one. Examples include building a house, shed, or garage, partially or fully demolishing a structure, and repairing, modifying, or extending an existing building.