If your neighbour’s dog is barking excessively, this may be causing you and your neighbourhood unwelcome stress. Mount Isa City Council encourages you to talk to your neighbour as soon as the problem arises. They may not be aware that their dog is barking or that their dog's barking is bothering you.
You can download, fill out and print this "Dear Neighbour" letter(PDF, 63KB) and Council's Barking Dogs Factsheet(PDF, 217KB) and leave them in your neighbour's letterbox.
Give your neighbour this information and if the barking persists after a week or so, lodge a complaint with Council, giving as much detail as possible.
A Local Laws Ranger will contact you to discuss the times the dog is causing a noise nuisance and to double-check the address in question.
The Ranger will then contact the alleged offending dog owner to discuss the barking issue, giving the alleged times of the dog/s barking, provide advice on how to alleviate the noise nuisance, and explain that if the issue is not fixed within seven (7) days, the complainant will receive a barking-dog diary.
The Ranger will contact you and explain the discussion they had with the alleged offending dog owner and to give 7 days.
If the dog is still causing a noise nuisance after this time, contact Council to obtain a barking-dog diary.
If it has been identified that there is a noise nuisance, Council Rangers will conduct a surveillance and issue any compliance notices or Penalty Infringement Notices.