Tenders and Expressions of Interest
Mount Isa City Council, in establishing contracts for the carrying out of works, goods, services or ICT, in accordance with Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, is required to accept the offer most advantageous to it, whilst also applying the City's local business and industry criteria. In making this decision, MICC must have regard to the five sound contracting principles set out in Section 104(3) of the Local Government Act 2009.
As per Council's Procurement Guidelines, our preference is to support local businesses.
Tender documents are available online from www.vendorpanel.com.au/publictenders.aspx. Tenders should be lodged on or before the closing date.
If you are currently not registered with VendorPanel, it's entirely free for suppliers and, once registered, your business profile will be visible to Mount Isa City Council and to others searching the Marketplace for suppliers in the area. To register please visit https://info.vendorpanel.com/workwithmountisacitycouncil.
Mount Isa City Council reserves the right to divulge the names of tenderers to bona fide enquirers and to invite all tenderers to change their tenders as provided for in the Queensland Local Government Act and Regulation.
The lowest of any tender may not be accepted. Tenders submitted to Mount Isa City Council by facsimile will not be accepted.
Tim Rose
Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 815, Mount Isa Qld 4825.