Pay My Rates

Pay Your Rates in Advance
Do you know that you can elect to pay your rates or water account in advance? Why not eliminate the burden of a lump sum payment by making regular advance payments towards your rates or water account using one of Council's payment methods below.
All payments received prior to the issuing of rates or water consumption notices will appear on the notices as 'Prepayments or Credits B/F(brought forward)' and will be deducted off the total balance on the notice.
Payments made after Council has submitted the notice files to the printers for printing will not show on the notice. Customer Service will be able to provide an updated account balance.
Please note that Council does not pay you interest on your rates or water account if it is in credit.
Payment Methods For Rates and Charges
Online Payments - Payble
Payble is councils newest and preferred method of payment for your council rates.
To get started simply scan the QR code on your rates notice or visit
Payble provides payment options for bank transfer, credit and debit cards.
Manage your own payment details, set up a direct debit plan, receive SMS reminders before bills are due and select flexible installment plans that make paying bills easier.
N.B. You will need a current and active mobile phone number to use this service.
On The Phone (Automated System)
Payway Phone payment is used to pay your rates or water consumption notices with Visa or mastercard.
Phone 1300 885 175 and follow the prompts. You will need your Biller Code and Reference Number (rates account reference number begins with 1xxxxxxxx, water account reference number begins with 2xxxxxxxx), credit card number, card expiry date, and card validation number (last three digits of the number on back of card).
On the Phone - (Automated System)
Biller Code: 196287
Reference: Rates - 1xxxxxxx or Water - 2xxxxxxxx
Credit Card Payment
Phone: 1300 885 175
We accept Visa and MasterCard only
Payments in Person at Council
Present your rates or water consumption notice intact with cash, cheque, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard to:
Mount Isa City Council
23 West Street, Mount Isa
9:00am - 4:30pm — Monday to Friday
Camooweal Post Office
29 Barkly Street, Camooweal
9:00am - 4:00pm — Monday to Friday
You can pay your rates and water consumption notices by mail by sending the bottom section of your notice with a cheque.
Please make payment a minimum of 2-3 days before the due date and allow time for mail delivery.
All cheques should be made payable to: "Mount Isa City Council"
Mail payments to:
Mount Isa City Council
Chief Executive Office
PO Box 815
Mount Isa QLD 4825
You can pay your rates and water consumption notices online using Payway.
Visit and use Biller Code 196287 and quote your reference number (rates account reference number begins with 1xxxxxxxx, water account reference number begins with 2xxxxxxxx).
Biller Code: 196287
Reference: Rates - 1xxxxxxx or Water 2xxxxxxxx
Please visit and quote your payment reference number. Please make payment a minimum of 2-3 business days before the due date.
BPAY is a payment option available through your own internet or mobile banking facility or by phoning your bank.
Use BPAY Biller Code 94052 and your reference number on your rates or water consumption notice (rates account reference number begins with 1xxxxxxxx, water account reference number begins with 2xxxxxxxx) to pay.
You can also choose to receive your notices online through the secure environment of your internet banking provider using BPAY View.
Telephone and Internet Banking
Biller Code: 94052
Reference: Rates - 1xxxxxxx or Water - 2xxxxxxxx
Call your participating financial institution to make this payment directly from your cheque, savings or credit card.
Please make payment a minimum of 2-3 business days before the due date.
Post Billpay
Post Billpay offers flexible payment options for rate payers through Australia Post either online, by phone, or in person at your closest Australia Post office.
To pay online or by phone, use Biller Code 2412 and your reference number (rates account reference number begins with 1xxxxxxxx, water account reference number begins with 2xxxxxxxx).
For payments in person at an Australia Post Office, present your intact notice along with payment.
Biller Code: 2412
Reference: Rates - 1xxxxxxx or Water 2xxxxxxxx
By phone: 13 18 16
Pay in person at the Mount Isa or Camooweal Post Office.