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Membership gives you free access to our range of e-Resources, use of our computers, printing services and best of all gives you access to hire a huge range of books, magazines, audio books, music, movies and more.

Membership Categories

Adult Local: Permanent residents of Mount Isa, 18 years and over.

Adult Provisional: 3-month membership when there is insufficient identification.

Institutional: Membership for schools, groups, and organisations.

Junior Local: Permanent residents of Mount Isa, 0 – 17 years.

Online Registration: 2-month membership for access to computer and internet services only.

How Do I Become a Library Member?

Come into the library to join up as a member. Bring two forms of identification – one should show your current local address, e.g. driver's licence, rates notice or bill. If there is insufficient identification, provisional membership can be given for 3 months.

How Long Can I Borrow Item For?

Most items may be borrowed for 4 weeks. Provided thereis no-one elsewaiting for items you have on loan, you can renew your loans by logging into your account on the library website, phoning4747 3350, or visiting the library in person. Loans can be renewed twice, for 4 weeks at a time.

How Many Items Can I Borrow?

Full members may borrow 20 items, while Provisional members may borrow 3 items.

Certain collections have a maximum number that can be borrowed: DVDs are up to 5 and toys are up to 3.

Items may include any combination of loanable material, including books, audiobooks, large prints, books in languages other than English, DVDs, magazines, and toys.

What Are My Responsibilities As a Member?

  • Your membership card must be presented each time items are borrowed
  • You are responsible for all items borrowed on your card. If an item is lost or damaged, the membership will be blocked until the necessary fees are paid for the replacement.
  • Only you may use your membership card to use the library Internet and word processing computers
  • Please advise staff if you change your address